Blog Posts

Toronto Market Report - July 2024

Posted on Jul 17, 2024 in Market Report


The Toronto real estate market in June 2024 showed mixed signals, reflecting ongoing adjustments to changing economic conditions and inventory levels. There was both optimism and concern regarding the imminent interest rate cut. Optimism stemmed from the clear monetary signal that interest rates are on the decline, creating confiden...

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Toronto Market Report - June 2024

Posted on Jun 12, 2024 in Market Report


This year’s spring market is proving far from traditional. The uncertainty surrounding when interest rates will begin to decrease has kept buyers hesitant and lacking confidence to re-enter the housing market. Additionally, the Government’s announcement of a change to the Capital Gains tax inclusion rate has added to the uncertainty...

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Toronto Market Report - May 2024

Posted on Jun 03, 2024 in Market Report


Typical of a seasonal spring, home and condo listings surged in April, up 47.2% from last year, and this trend is expected to continue in May. With the new level of supply, the market has shifted towards a more balanced state, with some sectors like condos leaning closer to a buyer’s market. The increase in inventory, providing more...

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Toronto Market Report - April 2024

Posted on Apr 19, 2024 in Market Report

While stats seem to demonstrate that the market is experiencing renewed vibrancy, buyers and sellers have had a cautiously optimistic approach in the month of March. It’s clear that not all segments of the market are performing the same way and the politicization of real estate has been a cause for concern as it sends mixed messages...

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Toronto Market Report - March 2024

Posted on Mar 13, 2024 in Market Report


The mood and emotions that best describes buyers and sellers within the Toronto Real Estate market in February is…“Impatience.”

In February, Toronto home sales saw a yearly increase of 17.9% and a monthly surge of 32%. Additionally, new listings rose by 37% compared to last month and by 33.5% compared to the same period last year. Af...

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Toronto Market Report - February 2024

Posted on Feb 18, 2024 in Market Report

The Toronto real estate market in early 2024 has seen a significant shift in consumer sentiment, with buyers re-entering the market and multiple offers becoming more common. This sudden optimism begs the question: what factors are driving this change?

Bank of Canada's Influence

In late 2023, the Bank of Canada's messaging hinted at potential rate adj...

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